Saturday, August 31, 2019

The Ethics of Human Resources

Ethics in business may involved everything including hiring decisions, pricing decisions, strategic decisions, and so on. The need for a process for making ethical decisions in business is great. There are a large number of instances where ethical decisions are necessary in business operations, and corporations find that they can get themselves into trouble even when they are trying to be ethical if they do not have a strong and effective procedural structure to guide employees in making such decisions. The Human Resources department must operate with ethical standards that are clear and that address the kinds of issues this department will face. The HR professional handles more than hiring and firing of employees, also being responsible in some degree for orientation, training, union negotiations, decisions regarding compensation, special programs for addressing workplace problems, and so on. All of these tasks must be infused with an ethical structure that helps HR professionals make good decisions. Hallier and Leopold (1996) note the nature of defining the problem of characterizing the personnel function by pointing out that the terminology is â€Å"ambiguous, contradictory and controversial† (p. 46) and yet as a discipline on which a good deal is placed: At its most ambitious, however, HRM has been seen and promoted as a set of beliefs and practices which are radically different from those of traditional personnel management. Most significantly, the management of the workforce is seen as central, if not the key, to competitive advantage (Hallier & Leopold, 1996, p. 46). To a degree, the distinction made between personnel and HRM is only a matter of terminology, yet more respect is accorded HRM than the personnel function in the literature. Human Resource Managers will have to respond to a number of demographic changes in coming years, each requiring some special consideration, including older workers, minority groups, and single and childless couples. Managers will have some guidance in these areas from legislation passed to cope with the changes and to both protect workers and define the rights of business to make certain decisions. The breadth of issues facing HR professionals is indicated by Lachnit (2002) when she writes, How does your company treat employees when they bring management bad news or unpopular opinions? Are your organization's core values real, or are they just pretty words to be inscribed on corporate trinkets (para. 5). There is no doubt that the relationship between the worker and the average company has been changing for some time, with less job security and more flexibility for the company. This has created particular problems in the public eye, notably a perception that older workers are not being treated fairly (as one analyst notes, â€Å"Age discrimination is the most frequent type of discrimination complaint; it is not only unlawful, it is bad business† [Age discrimination in the workplace, 2005]) or that minorities may not be given sufficient opportunity if affirmative action programs are outlawed in the future. Managers may have to develop more creative ways to achieve diversity and to incorporate demographic changes into their thinking, but they first have to recognize the scope of the problem and the need for creative solutions. Human resource development (HRD) has three important components–training, education, and development. When the three are properly coordinated, HRD has a positive effect on worker productivity and so on the productivity of the company. Training improves the performance of workers and so increases their motivation, and as they work harder and produce more, the company profits. HRD is also dedicated to seeing to it that skills do not become obsolescent. Employees may have their skills upgraded through added training and education, and this benefits them in terms of promotion. Workplace diversity is another issue that will remain important. A recent survey among members of the International Association of Business Communicators found that diversity was one of the most critical challenges faced by these communicators (Geddie, 1999, pp. 27-30). These professionals found that cultural and language diversity can pose significant barriers to effective communication, but there are other factors which can be equally daunting. In addition to cultural and language diversity, the American workplace is increasingly made up of individuals with varying degrees of technical competence as well as educational backgrounds. Mergers can bring together employees from different corporate cultures as well, and overcoming differences in corporate cultures can sometimes be as difficult as overcoming differences in national origin. Translators can address the differences between languages and culture, but cannot help a company when it merges with another organization and needs to synthesize a new corporate culture. In these situations, the best approach is to develop a corporate communication strategy which should be in accordance with the company's overall strategic goals and objectives (Geddie, 1999, p. 38). Diversity training also needs to take into account the various levels of the organization. It is common, for example, for companies to provide diversity training at the low and mid? levels of an organization, but to ignore the executive level. Despite the gains which have been made by minorities and women, the executive level in many companies remains largely white male, and there is sometimes the belief that diversity training and effective interpersonal communication training is not needed at these levels (Flynn, 1999, p. 52). Leadership is required throughout organizations, but it is necessary in the HR department as these changes are implemented in order to assure that the changeover is smooth, that needs are met, that laws and regulations are fulfilled, that workers are satisfied and motivated, and that the needs of both workers and employers are met to the degree possible. The HR professional has a role in this process. The Human Resources professional has to understand human behavior and is also involved in shaping that behavior, and this is why Human Resources can be called a behavioral science. The HR professional has to be capable in several areas of human behavior, including communication and motivation Warnick (1993) discusses the importance of communication for the Human Resources professional, which he says is the single most difficult profession in the business world today. In part, he says this because of the communication requirements placed on the professional. He states that employees expect the professional to take up their cause and resolve issues in their favor; line executives expect him or her to take care of â€Å"people problems† no matter what the cause; and top management expects him or her to keep the company out of legal problems and to maintain high employee morale. The HR professional must advise management on a variety of issues but especially in areas that concern laws or guidelines involving employee rights. The need to keep the company out of legal problems begins with the HR professional's job of advising and counseling employees to ensure that they do not feel the need to appeal to any of the many government agencies that now exist to provide redress. In these two roles, however, there is a potential for disaster because they are conflicting roles. The model for civil law in the U. S. is adversarial, and this is true in labor law as well. Warnick asks how it is possible for the HR professional to advise management and still maintain confidence in management's possible legal position while at the same time advising employees about what's in their best interest? The professional who gives too much weight to either side will lose the confidence of the other. The HR professional is a communication facilitator who is management's spokesperson and the employees' advocate. He or she is expected to play a peacemaker role. Communication between management and employees is the responsibility of human resources. When management decides that a change is needed, Human Resources announces, explains, and justifies the change. Human resources also takes the concerns of employees and employee issues to management for consideration, review, and possible redress. Employees expect human resources to serve as their advocate and to plead their cause to management.

Friday, August 30, 2019

First 48 vs. Cold Case Files

First 48 vs. Cold Case Files There are many different types of murder shows. I have two that are my favorite shows to watch. Both are reality shows, because I lose interest quickly when it is not about things that are really happening. As you know the news never tells you everything about what happens. First 48 is the name of the first one. It focuses on the present murders and the detectives that work the crime scene. It is set in the first forty-eight hours after the crime has been committed.The second show, Cold Case Files is a show that focuses on old murder case, that have went on for years without being solved. They both deal in murders though differently. Both shows have the detectives, and they both give details the news would not release. My most favorite is the First 48 this show follows homicide detectives in real life investigations. The main idea behind naming the show First 48 is, after the first forty eight hours the chances of solving a murder are cut in half. First 4 8 focuses on the perpetrator of the crime, witnesses, the discovery of the bodies as it happens, and with real footage.With First 48 unfortunately not all the cases get solved by the end of the show. The show goes to the top police departments in the United States, such as Miami, Birmingham, Vegas, and Memphis just to name a few. The detectives show you how the case develops as the hours tick down. At the bottom of the screen the views are notified with a clock counting down. You get to see the arrest and the interrogation of the perpetrator as it happens. They also show the viewer interviews as they happen with the witness, families, and friends of the victim.Most of the crime on First 48 happens in bad neighborhoods, so sometimes the detectives run into obstacles because the witnesses are scared for their life. Occasionally in better neighborhoods witnesses are more willing to help detectives, and the case gets solved quickly. The viewer gets to see the pain, anger and loss from f amily and friends of the victim as if you were there. It can be hard to watch some of the cases because they are so sad to see such young people lose their lives to gang and drug violence. I remember an episode where there was a little girl that was nine years old and she was a witness to her parent murder.The offender walked into the house, and shot everyone in the house. There were four kids and two adults and the nine year was the only was the only survivor. It was so disturbing at the end to find out that it was her uncle that was the perpetrator. In contrast to First 48, Cold Case Files is about cases that have â€Å"gone coldâ€Å". A case that has gone cold is a case that has been unsolved for years. Cold Case Files also takes you through the investigation process, they do cases from everywhere in the United States.They use new technology and old-fashion police work to find the killers who think the hunt is off, but what they don’t know is that just because a case go es cold that doesn’t mean it is closed. The show takes you step by step to see-through the methods used to catch the murders. They investigate each piece of existing evidence, the witnesses, and all the old leads with modern technology. Cold Case Files also has interviews with the family, police officers, some from when the crime happened, and some from now about what happened then.They have interviews with the new detectives on the case that have solved the cases. It also does reenactments of the crimes, and some may be a little graphic for some people. I watched an episode where was a lady and her boyfriend who were in their back yard getting ready for a vacation. She left her ex-boyfriend because he was an abusive man. As they were gathering their belongings up, her ex snuck up on them and shot them both in the face at close range. Her boyfriend died on the scene, but she survived. Her ex was on the run for thirty years.This episode showed pictures of her face before, imme diately after, and thirty years later after his conviction. The cold cases always get solved before the end of the show. The cases range from crimes of passion, murder for money, to serial murders. The narrator helps fill in gaps of information and helps to move the viewer along with the cases, his name is Bill Kurtis. The show was also nominated for prime time Emmy’s in 2004 and 2005. As you can see they are both great show with many similarities and big differences which I will go into detail for you now. First, both shows are about solving murders.Although, each does it in totally different ways, with the First 48 the crimes are murders that have happened in the last few years. Whereas, Cold Case Files, it is totally about cases that have gone cold for several years. They both have homicide detectives that solve and work the cases. Though in First 48 you get to know the detectives personally, with Cold Case Files they do not get personal with their detectives. With Cold Ca se Files they deal with murders around the United States. They have both been nominated for awards, and have wonderful narrators, such as Bill Kurtis for Cold Case Files.As you can see both First 4and Cold Case Files can easily catch a viewer attention because they are very suspenseful. On First 48 it really sad to me to know there are so many murders that happen from day to day. Whereas, for Cold Case Files it is remarkable how many murders go unsolved. See how long some murderers’ walk around free in our world not having to pay for their crimes, which they have committed. All of the things that are different and alike about First 48 and Cold Case Files are the reason I like them so much.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Illegal Immigration Speech Essay

Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. These words are engraved on the Statue of Liberty that was assembled in 1886. The statue was meant to be a beacon of hope for all immigrants that enter the U.S. Do we still agree with what those words say? I’m not against all of the immigrants who want to start a better life here by becoming legal citizens. I’m against the millions of illegal immigrants that come to the U.S. and cause trouble and make things harder for the legal immigrants that are already here. Illegal immigrants have long been a problem in the United States, and there have always been so many controversies about illegal immigration Today, I would like to inform you about the serious problems illegal immigration could cause. First, by giving you all the facts, and by explaining how illegal immigration, if continued, will affect our lives. Transition: I’ll start by telling you about some illegal immigration facts and its history. Body 1 Americans have always been realistic about illegal immigration, but if it continues at the rate it is, we will be in trouble. a The biggest issue is the fact that the U.S. is in the middle of another great wave of illegal immigration. b In 2000, the US Census Bureau puts the estimate of illegal immigrants at 8.7million. Since then, United States immigration officials have said the number has grown by as much as 500,000 a year. c If immigration continues at current levels, the nation’s population will increase from 301 million today to 468 million in 2060 – a 167 million, or 56% increase. 2 Did you know that the country is spending massive amount of money on illegal immigrants each year? a According to Illegal immigrants costs the U.S. $130 billion each year b And each year we’re paying $1117 each year to support the illegal immigrants. 3 Illegal immigrants are a great danger to America. According to the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, more than 50% of illegal immigrants that come to America break laws, steal, rape, murder, form and join gangs, sell drugs and engage in the trade of illegal weapons. a Statistics show that illegal immigrants cost the federal prison and court system over 1 billion dollars each year. b 95% of outstanding warrants for homicide in Los Angeles are for illegal immigrants Transition : Transition: If proper steps are taken to reduce illegal immigration, we will see a great  improvement in our society. 4 Most Americans know our basic laws regarding illegal immigration. It is illegal to enter the United States without permission. The first time an illegal immigrant is caught in the US it is a misdemeanor civil offense. This is because we want to be able to quickly return illegal aliens back to where they come from, when they are caught at the border without the rigors of a jury trial. a After the first offense, being caught a second time is a felony! b It is also against the law to overstay a visa issued by the US Government and illegal for an employer to knowingly hire illegal immigrants. Transition. With the government working together to reduce illegal immigration, we are bound to see improvement in our county. Conclusion If illegal immigration can be stopped, many people all over the country will receive benefits. a The U.S. will save money if we don’t have to spend it on care for illegal immigrants, and then the U.S can use that money for better causes, like more money for education. b The U.S. will become a safer place for us to live in, without the increased crime rates illegal immigrants caused. Transition: Now that you have a better understanding of the harms that illegal immigration causes, here are a few things you can do. 1. Read the paper and watch the news. New developments are occurring everyday in our society; know what is going on in the world around you. 2. Spread it out, talk to people about this, have discussions with them. 3. Register to vote. What’s the first thing you do when you turn 16? You go out and get your driver’s license. When you turn 18, make registering to vote your first priority. 4. I’ve explained to you the facts of immigration and how, if continued, will affect your life as an individual. So now that you are informed. Have a say in your future and stand up for what you believe in. It all has to do with how you want to live your life.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Developing a Balanced Scorecard Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Developing a Balanced Scorecard - Term Paper Example r creating a balanced scorecard and how the scorecard would enable me to evaluate progress, assess the impact of my proposed change, and determine if the costs are justifiable in terms of the outcomes. A balanced scorecard, as defined by Balanced Scorecard Institute (2013, para.1), is "A strategic planning and management system that is used to align business activities to the vision and strategy of the organization, improve internal and external communications, and monitor organization performance against strategic goals". Further explication by Dr. Carol Huston in this weeks media denotes a balanced scorecard as a tool that can be used in nursing to help establish how assessment and appraisal of accomplishments or achievements will be conducted (Laureate Education, 2013a). Based on these definitions, my first step will be to assess the mission and vision of the my organization in order to identify an unmet need. The second step will be to consider whether the needs of the customers have been met in relation to quality and safety of care. After identification of an unmet need and assessment of customers needs, the next step will be to formulate and outline objectives for proposed change. This will involve identifying strategies and action plans to achieve the proposed change. This will be followed by identifying how performance will be measured. In regards to the elements of a balanced scorecard, data to measure performance will correlate to fiscal, stakeholders, business practices, and learning and growth measures (Laureate Education, 2013a). Fiscal data will be gathered primarily from annual financial reports. To measure performance in relation to customers needs, direct interviews will be conducted whereby patients will be asked to describe their level of satisfaction with services provided. Secondly, patients will be asked to fill questionnaires detailing whether their needs have been met. Data relating to business practices and growth will be gathered through

The PICO Question Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The PICO Question - Coursework Example at least once a week?† Moreover, a collateral question is: â€Å"What happens if the patient is given another kind of diabetes medication and undertakes the lifestyle changes as suggested earlier?† Is his diabetes Type I or Type II to know if the correct medications are given? (Campbell & White, 2003). The intervention or indicator or the area of interest (I) will be in managing the effects of diabetes since diabetes is a chronic lifestyle disease and hence incurable and progressive. There is a need to check first if it is Type I or Type II so the proper interventions can be implemented. If the type of diabetes is now known, then the medication can be tailor-fitted to the patient in his particular case, depending on the circumstances that triggered his diabetes in the first place since there are risk factors to the onset of diabetes. The question is: â€Å"If it is Type I, then is it juvenile diabetes (affecting around 5% of the general population) as diagnosed among children and young adults† (American Diabetes Association, 2014). The key will be to adopt a twin approach to the management of this type of diabetes using hormone therapy (injectable insulin) together with the changes in diet (avoidance of sugary foods and drinks) and increased physical activities together wit h constant monitoring of possible hyperglycemia (high blood glucose) or probable low blood glucose (hypoglycemia) as an adverse reaction to the insulin hormone treatment or therapy. For the purpose of comparison and control (C) the diabetic patients are divided into their type of diabetes and then subdivided again into smaller groups based on their knowledge of diabetes (if the patients know what type of diabetes they have and what the treatments are there). While the general knowledge is that diabetes is caused by too much sugar, there is little literacy among diabetic patients on what interventions are available for them, how to avoid certain foods to prevent worsening the effects of

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Church and Baroque Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Church and Baroque Art - Essay Example Baroque is an artistic word commonly used in the 17th century describing the art movement, which occurred in the 15th and 16th century. Baroque artwork mainly focused on classism and romanticism. This style of artwork originated in Italy then moved to Europe during the period of protestant reformation and religious upheaval. At that time, money and power was common in Europe; thus, influencing baroque. These resources elaborated and created social standing of prominent luminaries in Europe. Baroque artist specialized in oil painting, sculpture, architecture and music. The main theme of the baroque period was Catholic Church because it supported, permitted and encouraged artistic works that depicted religious imagery. Before the religious upheaval of the 16th century spread across Western Europe, both music and art was common among the churches. However, religious upheaval of the 16th century had numerous impacts on the arts of the sixteenth and seventeenth century. This is because, d uring the Middle Ages, Christian art in Europe flourished. During the period, artworks dominated the churches making the popes to become the patrons of both art and architecture. After the 16th century religious upheaval, the Catholic popes continued to embrace art by encouraging most catholic churches around the world to imitate art forms. However, the protestant churches did not advocate for the cathedral buildings because they did not require huge structures for their simple religious purposes.

Monday, August 26, 2019

The anti-terrorism law in the U.K. and its overall impact Coursework

The anti-terrorism law in the U.K. and its overall impact - Coursework Example However, in the middle of the middle of the government’s role to provide security of its citizens, the anti-terrorist laws have created a huge negative impact. This report will discuss the anti-terrorism law in the U.K. and its overall impact. Light will be shed on how this law has innocently disrupted lives. Introduction Oxford dictionary defines terrorism as the â€Å"unofficial and unauthorized use of violence in the pursuit of political aims (Oxford Dictionary, 2012).† Terrorism is not a new concept, it has been used since the prehistoric times but it is relatively hard to describe in words that can encompass the entire concept behind this term. Terrorism has been used as both, a tactic as well as a strategy; for criminal purposes and as a holy duty. Whatever is case; an act of terrorism is extremely reprehensible and has no justifications what so ever. Unfortunately, this line of thought is not adopted by all people. Terrorism has always been useful approach for th e side whose argument or strength is weaker as compared to the other. On a larger, national scale, terrorism is defined as the use of violence to inculcate fear in the minds of people and intimidate and coerce governments and different societies to pursue goals of the terrorists. The reason why terrorism is so wrong is because its influence goes way beyond just the intended victim, it at times have consequences for entire nations (Terrorism Research, 2012). Terrorism Ever since the incident of twin towers in America on 9th September, 2001, the threat of terrorism has magnified. Ever since that unforgettable day referred to as 9/11, terrorism is a word that looms large in the minds of people. War against terrorism is a commonly heard term and many different nations as well Britain are participants in this war to provide their citizens with a sense of security and to keep them safe from terrorists. However, for the United Kingdom, there is nothing new about the threat of terrorism or the legal response to it. Throughout the course of history, Britain has been the victim of many terrorist acts. However, for the purpose of this report, the events, legislation and the effect of that legislation prior to 2001 will not be considered. The disastrous occurrence of 9/11 did not result in any immediate or drastic change in the legislation that was directed towards curbing terrorism. Most of the legislation pertaining to terrorism already existed. However as a direct consequence of 9/11, The Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001 were passed. This terrorism act incorporated in the British legislation has resulted in Britain having the most comprehensive legal framework in all of Europe to fight terrorism (Bennet, 2005). The Anti-Terrorism Act The Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001 were aimed at amending the Terrorism Act 2000. Its purpose was to include more stipulation about terrorism and security. It provided provisions for the freezing of assets and immig ration and asylum. The act intended to amend as well as extend the scope of criminal law and its powers for preventing crime from happening and enforcing that law. The Act included in it laws which made retention of communication data legal. The Act also included provisions for the control of pathogens and toxins (Anti-terrorism, 2001). The major constituent of the bill was the government of the time’s determination to find a way of dealing with foreign nationals and visitors who were suspected of involvement in terrorism activities by

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Major 8-1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Major 8-1 - Essay Example icated in causing liver cancers, aggressive behavior, gynaecomastia, and testicular atrophy (Josefson, 1996, 702).† Adolescence use performance enhancing drugs due to the pressure to achieve difficult goals, which paves the way for future substance abuse and health problems. Athletic students with goals to play collage or professional sports feel pressured to be the very best. Above all, professional sports roll models are often accused of using performance-enhancing drugs (Garzon et. al., 2006, 159). Professional athletes including baseball players Mark McGuire and Sammy Sosa, football player Emmit Smith, and wrestler Hulk Hogan used over the counter performance-enhancing drugs. â€Å"Mark McGuire and Sammy Sosa admitted consuming creatine, an energy boosting protein, Mark McGuire also admitted to taking androstendione, a testosterone producer (Josefson, 1996, 702).† Creatine and androstendione are both available over-the-counter. Hulk Hogan used over-the-counter steroids to build muscle mass to gain weight class in his wrestling career. As a result, student athletes turn to performance-enhancing drugs with the idea that their athletic performance will enhance; however, these drugs do not improve athletes’ skill level or make them stronge r. â€Å"High school and even middle school students are using these supplements because they are misled into thinking that supplements will enhance their athletic skills resulting in an improvement in their performance (Garzon et. al., 2006, 159).† Students with high expectations and low self-esteem â€Å"are at the risk of following the shoes of their role models as they seek performance enhancing drugs (Garzon et. al., 2006, 159).† Athletic organizations like â€Å"the International Olympic committee, National College Athletic Association, and National football league, have banned the use of androstenedione [but the ban is difficult to enforce], as the steroid is not tested for in standard drug test (Josefson, 1996, 702).†

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Marketing and Marketing Communications Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Marketing and Marketing Communications - Essay Example Raising visibility requires the same press release appearing in all credible newspapers, the same commercial over all television channels, the same radio jingle over all radio channels, similar hoardings in all important shopping malls etc. Credibility calls for faultless service to the customer. It requires adherence to quality and reliability. Recently Honda Motor Company, Japan's second largest auto maker, recalled 298,231 cars in Japan to repair a fault in the fuel pump relay that could have stopped the engine. In the recent past Microsoft launched its Windows Vista operating software amidst much fanfare and media glare, which raised the level of visibility for the product. Part-II (Three questions to be answered out of six) Ans-2: Internal and External factors influencing Pricing decisions Pricing is a very crucial aspect for managing the business. While carrying out the pricing decisions, a company has to take a comprehensive look at all its internal factors as well as the prevailing market scenario, economic policies and legal framework for the market and the product. Most of the companies begin pricing deliberations based on their own internal cost structures. Internal factors affecting the pricing decisions are basically the profit and cost factors. How the company arrives at the total cost of the product and how much profit is expected from the product makes. In general costs are divided in two components fixed costs and variables costs. Costs of labor, material, energy, supervision, R&D contribution, marketing, administrative, transportation, taxes, channel costs, factory overhead etc. are some of the internal cost components which form part of the pricing decision. On the other hand external factors affecting...While carrying out the pricing decisions, a company has to take a comprehensive look at all its internal factors as well as the prevailing market scenario, economic policies and legal framework for the market and the product. Most of the companies begin pricing deliberations based on their own internal cost structures. Internal factors affecting the pricing decisions are basically the profit and cost factors. How the company arrives at the total cost of the product and how much profit is expected from the product makes. In general costs are divided in two components fixed costs and variables costs. Costs of labor, material, energy, supervision, R&D contribution, marketing, administrative, transportation, taxes, channel costs, factory overhead etc. are some of the internal cost components which form part of the pricing decision. On the other hand external factors affecting pricing decisions include the existing pricing strategy resorted to by the competitors/ alternative products, market profile, customer's buying power, geographical conditions, economic policies prevailing in the country/ market, legal provisions for carrying out business in the market, acceptability of the product in the market, number of competitors and their profit margins etc. Tender Pricing: This type of pricing is based on actual costs of different sub tasks in producing the product.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Housing Finance and Economics Evaluating New Labours Housing Policy Coursework

Housing Finance and Economics Evaluating New Labours Housing Policy - Coursework Example (Williams, 1999) When an estate is not under maintenance and also in a dilapidated condition, the council is more inclined to allocate them to people are socially inadequate or inefficient. Here social residualisation also becomes economically unproductive since the resources in the region are not optimally utilized and the rest of the residents feel entrapped and isolated which keeps them away from participating in the economy. This leads to immediate convenience but short sightedness. For instance, people who claimed ownership houses keeping in view the Right to Buy are deceived and their period of wait goes to vain. At this juncture a social dilemma arises with relation to the exclusion of people through the housing framework or from the same. This is due to residualisation and ‘spatial concentration’ of the system. The paper brings forth the economic evaluation of the housing policies of New Deal after 1997 considering alongside the economic factors influencing the h ousing system after the coalition administration came to power since 2010. Achievements of the New Labour’s Housing Policy When the New Labor came to power, things were against the favor of social housing system. This was especially due to the Thatcher’s Right to Buy system which decreased the number of accommodations available for social housing. In this context, Cooper observes, â€Å"In the last year of the Conservative government which lost to Mr Blair, Great Britain suffered a net loss of 16,257 homes†¦The number of homes built by councils and housing associations plunged from its peak of 110,000 in 1980, the second year of the outgoing Conservative government’s 18-year tenure, to just 34,860 in 1996, its final... The paper brings forth the economic evaluation of the housing policies of New Deal after 1997 and considers alongside the economic factors influencing the housing system after the coalition administration came to power since 2010. The main purpose of providing social housing is to provide houses which are within the range of affordability for the individuals with low income levels. This segment is monitored such that rents are kept at low levels. This sector is different from that of private landlords where the choice of the later dominates. Here, houses are allocated according to needs and the social landlords state in advance the criterion on the basis of which the allocation is done on a rational ground. They might have a policy of alteration at any time as per the decision of the landlord. The New Labor administration brought about the issue of housing within the jurisdiction of social inclusion, as the government announces its goal of providing each citizen â€Å"the opportunity of a decent home and so promote social cohesion, well-being and self-dependence† The Welfare Reform Bill will help in shoving the individuals from benefits towards jobs.In fact the modern coalition government’s scheme supports the people with economic and social priorities instead of medical reasons or problems of homelessness. The programs undertaken by the government was led by financial and economic motives rather than social cause though the existing tenants are promised more fairness and satisfaction.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Why do professionals prefer IAS Essay Example for Free

Why do professionals prefer IAS Essay A new subject has attracted legislators, thinkers, journalists and one could say the economists as well. Why should not we ban the entry of professionally qualified personnel into the IAS or IPS Services ? Some have argued that government spends, directly or indirectly, a lot of money on the education of an Engineer or a Doctor and in case these professionals join general services like IAS or IPS the hard spent government money goes into the gutter. Good some thinking of the type has emerged to care for the state expenditure. It was even in the year 1995 as well that some candidates from the general education side had suggested that engineering graduates should not be allowed to appear in entrance examination for IAS /IPS/IAAS/IRS and such like services. The reaction had been in response to the high rate of success in UPSC prime entrance examination from amongst the candidates with engineering degree, even clear walking away with almost 75 % of top ranks by engineering graduates ( doctors etc were not named at that time because they did not figure at the rate as the engineers figured to oust the generalist). The position is not much different in 2008.And now expenditures made by the society/ government have been talked about. Better before starting such discussions those so concerned with the subject would have asked the Engineers, Doctors, Post Graduate in Sciences, and the like and more so the rank holders amongst these categories of technocrats from even premier institutions like Indian Institute of Technology, BITS Pilani, IIMs that why do they try all hards to enter the general services like IAS ( where minimum qualification is any graduate degree) and let go waste the technical expertise/ professionalism they otherwise acquired through so much of hard work and investment , even as acquired out of aims and ambitions ? have observed that the engineering graduates prefer to enter IAS than to go for IES ( Indian Engineering Service ) since they feel that the top seat of civil governance in the Union Secretariat will generally be occupied by an IAS officer and not by the IES( Indian Engineering Service) officer. Such views were expressed by one of the engineering graduate who had ranked in top 5 of IAS l ist and had laid preference for IAS and not Indian Engineering Service. I had been investigating in this direction for more than 12 years now. And have been able to work out some reasons for such type of thinking being developed. A few years earlier in India we used to talk of brain drain to out side India and it was reasoned that since the engineers/ scientists/ doctors are not well paid in terms of cash and career in India that is why they attempt leaving for US/UK/ other countries. And now the question is of brain drain from professional bank to the general service bank. The reason in this case lies both in Career Prospects, involvement in governance of the affairs of the society and perks in terms of monetary as well as social authority. The disparity between the IAS and other Government services is so huge that any one would prefer IAS .

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Effect of Family Problem Essay Example for Free

The Effect of Family Problem Essay Lets take a divorce as an example. This always affect students. Ive seen the initial withdrawal, uncertainty and depression, but if the parents are in mutual agreement when it comes to their child then the child is able to cope better. In terms of performance in school, usually there is a drop in grades as the child deals with whats going on at home. Grades improve as time goes on and the child accepts the situation. On the other hand, I have seen a divorce so bad that it puts the child right in the middle. There is no mutual agreement for whats best for the child. The mother wants things her way and the father his. They cant bear the sight of each other, even if it means meeting for the sake of their child. This makes it very hard for the child and for the school that has to accommodate for both parents separately. Two parent teacher conferences, two copies of report cards, two of everything because the parents cant agree to share. This is very sad indeed. The child seems to be handling it well, but there is some hesitation, some shyness among other children and the child doesnt seem to be performing at full potential in school. The child doesnt say much about it and you just know the child is holding all emotions back. Makes you wonder what the parents are thinking. This was two years ago. Recently I got a call from one of the parents representative, it went to voice mail. The rep wanted my opinion on the behavior of the child when in the custody of the other parent. I have yet to call back. The parents are just playing a game. I am not going to get in the middle of a two-year battle. When the rep does call back and I pick up, I dont really know what I am going to say. It does make me mad that theyre using me as leverage. So if thats how I feel, how do you think this child would feel living it day in and day out. Source(s): As a side note on my rant, fortunately (and sadly) this child is well mannered. Now lets say the child isnt well behaved. It would make it very hard to discipline the child knowing that it is the result of home life. I could discipline the child, but the result would probably mean further insubordination. In a similar situation, an unrelated student was behaving badly. The students home life isnt as bad as above, but it was still affecting the child. The student wouldnt listen to my instructions, I tried every trick in the book with no success. The student was sent to detention, etc, did all that. One day was the students worst. After a good scolding, I just sat there staring at the student, the student glared back. Our hearts beating with fury. Instinctively, and against  all rules of teacher/student physical contact, I gave the student a hug. The student hugged back as if life depended on it. The student was in tears. A hug was like a long lost toy finally found. I had no real problems with that student since. Created by: Mark Glen Natural The Effect of Teacher-Family Communication on Student Engagement: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment In this study, we seek to evaluate the efficacy of teacher communication with parents and students as a means of increasing student engagement. We estimate the causal effect of teacher communication by conducting a randomized field experiment in which 6th and 9th grade students were assigned to receive a daily phone call home and a text/written message during a mandatory summer school program. We find that frequent teacher-family communication immediately increased student engagement as measured by homework completion rates, on-task behavior and class participation. On average, teacher-family communication increased the odds a student completed their homework by 42% and decreased instances in which teachers had to redirect students’ attention to the task at hand by 25%. Class participation rates among 6th grade students increased by 49%, while communication appeared to have a small negative effect on 9th grade students’ willingness to participate. Drawing upon surveys and interviews with participating teachers and students, we identify three primary mechanisms through which communication likely affected engagement: stronger teacher-student relationships, expanded parental involvement, and increased student motivation.

Implementation of a Remote Access Water Laboratory

Implementation of a Remote Access Water Laboratory   Introduction As information and communication technologies rapidly advance, so too does the spectrum of resource used in the field of education. One such resource is the use of online learning material and remote access laboratories for distance learning courses. One of the hallmarks of a distance learning course is the separation of teacher and learner in space and/or time, allowing the learner self-paced study at convenient times, and locations [1], [2]. Since its inception, distance learning has become a powerful tool for students in pursuit of education [4]. Context of Project The Centre for Renewable Energy Systems Technology (CREST) at Loughborough University is the largest and leading sustainable energy research centre in the UK, it has overseen the research and development of the most progressive renewable energy technologies [6]. The centre was the first in the UK to offer a postgraduate degree programme in the field of renewable energy systems technology, along with its innovative distance learning adaptation [6]. Laboratory exercises play a critical role in the education of science and engineering [11], it is important for effective distance learning courses to provide a hands-on laboratory experience [12]. Due to the influence of information, communication and computational technologies; remote labs are considered one of the five major shifts in engineering education over the past 100 years they have the capacity to provide a hands-on experience for distance learning students with significant advantages in accessibility, availability and safety [20], [21]. Problem Statement Figure 1-1 outlines the scope of the project. Water power has been exploited by human beings for many centuries; early water wheels driven by rivers or tides were used to grind wheat or drive machinery. As technologies matured and with the advent of electricity, water wheels had become water turbines designed to generate electricity from the energy stored within the water resource [8]. Over 70% of the earths surface is covered by water, with such a vast resource potential the importance of studying water turbines becomes apparent [9]. The current distance learning laboratory assessment for the Water Power module suggests the use of a simulation software to model a water turbine under different conditions; this is not sufficient for understanding the physical behaviour of the turbine as simulation labs can only produce preprogrammed results [4]. A remote lab utilises a software that allows students to gain experimental data using real instruments set in a lab on-campus using only a PC with the aid of the internet [7]. For distance learning students to gain a truer understanding of water turbine behaviour, it is proposed that the on-campus laboratory be modified for use as a remote lab. Aims and Objectives The aim of this project is to design a system that can be used in conjunction with the on-campus axial water turbine instrumentation, allowing remote access and control of the lab for distance learning students. The main objectives to facilitate this aim are outlined below: Identify the dynamic, controllable elements of the on-campus laboratory instrumentation. Design and build a system by which the dynamic elements can be controlled. Implement a method by which this system can be remotely accessed through the Learn server. Integrate the system with the current software used for the laboratory. Literature Review Remote Laboratories Introduction For 20 years remote access laboratories have been used in science and engineering education though they have since greatly impacted pedagogy in these fields, their potential in support of distance learning courses and the student autonomous learning experience has yet to be fully realised [10], [11], [15], [16]. Definition It can be difficult to assert what remote laboratories encompass as definitions provided in the literature are at times inconsistent [10]. A clear definition of remote laboratories will be established in the context of this project in order to avoid ambiguity. A remote laboratory is the framework that enables students to carry out a laboratory experiment, using real instruments, through the medium of the internet; eliminating the time and space constraints imposed by hands-on laboratories [14], [17]. Building Blocks There are four critical building blocks that form the foundations of a remote laboratory these must be well understood in order to achieve the desired aim [12]: Scheduling: Distance learning courses necessitate the flexibility of allowing students to decide when the can fit labs into their schedule. Remote-Access: It is necessary that the students can make a secure connection to the lab environment The Operating Environment: It is essential that the user interface of the system is easy to use and understand. Laboratory Assignment: The student must realise the aim of the lab and subsequently make the connection between theory and application. In Distance Learning Remote laboratories offer a very high level of flexibility, with access usually 24 hours a day, 7 days a week; meeting the needs of distance learning courses [10].   According to certain studies; remote labs have been as effective and had a comparable impact on students to hands-on labs [26]. Remote laboratories are not free of short comings; they require space, devices, and maintenance at times even greater than hands-on laboratories [13]. They are also designed as single-user applications; this removes the elements of interaction that hands-on laboratories offer. Other Laboratory Methods Simulated Laboratories Simulated laboratories; usually justified by their cost effectiveness and spatial advantages, have been shown to inspire cognitive thinking by allowing students greater freedom to explore and experiment [18], [19], [23], [24]. This however comes with its disadvantages; simulated laboratories are usually designed as single-user applications, subsequently isolating the students. Simulated laboratories are shown to not be equal in their standard across institutions [22]. Though they serve well in some cases; they are not an adequate substitute for hands-on laboratories, as they do not provide the range of possibilities produced when manipulating physical matter the results produced are preprogrammed [4]. Hands-on Laboratories Hands-on Laboratories have been shown to be a corner stone in engineering education as engineering students identify themselves as being essentially practical [25]. The results gathered from conducting a hands-on experiment provide natural results, and in this regard are far superior to those of simulated laboratories. Though the benefits of hands-on laboratory experiments are clear; disadvantages are also present. Laboratory management can be expensive, equipment requires regular maintenance and qualified staff are needed to supervise experiments [13]. The constraints of accessibility and availability render hands-on laboratory sessions impractical for distance learning students [20]. Conclusions Remote laboratories utilise software allowing students to gain experimental data using real instruments set in a lab on-campus using only a PC with the aid of the internet [7]. This allows the students to gain practical results from experimentation, eliminating the disadvantages of simulated labs while retaining its advantages. Proposed Methodology Figure 3-1 represents the overall approach that will be taken for this project. Figure 3-1 Overview of Methodology for Project Proposed Deliverables The final deliverable will be in the form of a completed system having integrated both hardware and software and having met the following requirements as shown in Table 4-1. Table 4-1 Requirements for System # Requirements Explanation 1 Easy to Use The system must be easy to access through the Learn server with an intuitive, and simplistic user interface. This allows the student to interact with the software without any great difficulty. 2 Easy to Maintain The system should have easy access points in case of failure parts should be replaceable. 3 Durable The system should have a high finish with sufficient build quality to last several years. 4 Reliable The system should have minimal components and moving parts, this reduces the chance of failure of the system as a whole. Projected Resource Requirements The projected resource requirements are shown in Table 5-1 below. Table 5-1 Projected Resource Requirements Hardware Requirements Software Requirements Technical Expertise MyRIO Hardware Package LabVIEW Electronics Understanding Electric Motors AutoCAD LabVIEW Competency Exterior Machined Parts Engineering Workshop Cost: The maximum cost of the hardware is expected to be in the region of  £600. Software should incur not cost. The maximum cost of machining of parts is expected to be in the region of  £400 Total maximum cost will approximate  £1000. References Perraton H. A theory for distance education. Prospects. 1981 Mar;11(1):13-24. Perreault H, Waldman L, Alexander M, Zhao J. Overcoming barriers to successful delivery of distance-learning courses. Journal of Education for Business. 2002 Jul;77(6):313-8. Cropley AJ, Kahl TN. Distance education and distance learning: Some psychological considerations. Distance Education. 1983 Mar;4(1):27-39. Hamza MK, Alhalabi B, Hsu S, Larrondo-Petrie MM, Marcovitz DM. Remote labs. Computers in the Schools. 2002 Dec;19(3-4):171-90. Feisel, L.D. and Rosa, A.J. (2005) The role of the laboratory in undergraduate engineering education, Journal of Engineering Education, 94(1), pp. 121-130. doi: 10.1002/j.2168-9830.2005.tb00833.x. Loughborough. Loughborough University. [place unknown: publisher unknown]. Centre for Renewable Energy Systems Technology [cited 2017 Feb 21]. Available from:. Sancristobal E, Castro M, Martin S, Tawkif M. Remote Labs as Learning Services in the Educational Arena. Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON). 2011. Duckers L, Watson S. Water Power 1. 1st ed. Centre for Renewable Energy Systems Technology: Loughborough University; [date unknown]. Oceanic N, Administration A. [place unknown: publisher unknown]. How much water is in the ocean?; 2013 Jun 1 [cited 2017 Feb 22]. Available from: Gomes L, Bogosyan S. Current trends in remote laboratories. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 2009 Dec;56(12):4744-56. Cooper M, Ferreira JMM. Remote laboratories extending access to science and engineering curricular. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. 2009 Oct;2(4):342-53. Rigby S, Dark M. Designing a Flexible, Multipurpose Remote Lab for the IT Curriculum. Proceeding SIGITE 06 Proceedings of the 7th conference on Information technology education. 2006 Oct 19:161-4. Bochicchio MA, Longo A. Hands-on remote labs: Collaborative web laboratories as a case study for IT engineering classes. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. 2009 Oct;2(4):320-30. Hua J, Ganz A. Web enabled remote laboratory (r-lab) framework. InFRONTIERS IN EDUCATION CONFERENCE 2003 Nov 5 (Vol. 1, pp. T2C-8). STIPES. Gravier C, Fayolle J, Bayard B, Ates M, Lardon J. State of the art about remote laboratories paradigms-foundations of ongoing mutations. International Journal of Online Engineering. 2008 Feb 18;4(1):http-www. Trevelyan J. Lessons learned from 10 years experience with remote laboratories. InInternational Conference on Engineering Education and Research 2004 Jun 27 (Vol. 11, p. 2007). Garcà ­a-Zubà ­a J, Là ³pez-de-Ipià ±a D, Orduà ±a P. Evolving towards better architectures for remote laboratories: a practical case. International Journal of Online Engineering, Special Issue REV. 2005 Nov 8. Corter JE, Esche SK, Chassapis C, Ma J, Nickerson JV. Process and learning outcomes from remotely-operated, simulated, and hands-on student laboratories. Computers Education. 2011 Nov 30;57(3):2054-67. Balamuralithara B, Woods PC. Virtual laboratories in engineering education: The simulation lab and remote lab. Computer Applications in Engineering Education. 2009 Mar 1;17(1):108-18. Marques MA, Viegas MC, Costa-Lobo MC, Fidalgo AV, Alves GR, Rocha JS, Gustavsson I. How remote labs impact on course outcomes: Various practices using VISIR. IEEE Transactions on Education. 2014 Aug;57(3):151-9. Froyd JE, Wankat PC, Smith KA. Five major shifts in 100 years of engineering education. Proceedings of the IEEE. 2012 May;100(Special Centennial Issue):1344-60. Budhu M. Virtual laboratories for engineering education. InInternational Conference on Engineering Education 2002 Aug 18 (pp. 12-18). Manchester, UK. Pyatt K, Sims R. Learner performance and attitudes in traditional versus simulated laboratory experiences. ICT: Providing choices for learners and learning. Proceedings ascilite Singapore. 2007 Sep:870-9. Powell RM, Anderson H, Van der Spiegel J, Pope DP. Using webà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ based technology in laboratory instruction to reduce costs. Computer Applications in Engineering Education. 2002 Jan 1;10(4):204-14. Edward NS. The role of laboratory work in engineering education: student and staff perceptions. International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education. 2002 Jan;39(1):11-9. Corter JE, Nickerson JV, Esche SK, Chassapis C. Remote versus hands-on labs: A comparative study. InFrontiers in Education, 2004. FIE 2004. 34th Annual 2004 Oct 20 (pp. F1G-17). IEEE.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Where Are You Going? :: Literary Analysis, Joyce Carol Oates

Joyce Carol Oates’s â€Å"Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?† tells the tale of a fifteen year old girl named Connie living in the early 1960’s who is stalked and ultimately abducted by a man who calls himself Arnold Friend. The short story is based on a true event, but has been analyzed by many literary scholars and allegedly possesses numerous underlying themes. Two of the most popular interpretations of the story are that the entire scenario is only dreamt by Connie (Rubin, 58) and that the abductor is really the devil in disguise (Easterly, 537). But the truth is that sometimes people really can just be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Connie, a victim of terrifying circumstance will be forever changed by her interactions with Friend. Oates drew the character of Connie very well - she possesses many of the qualities that teenaged children share. According to developmental psychologists, adolescents become highly critical of siblings, and peer relationships take precedence over familial ties during these years (Feldman, 455). These traits are apparent in Connie’s unflattering description of her older sister June, â€Å"†¦she was so plain and chunky†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (209) and the fact that Connie spends many nights out with friends, but refuses to attend an afternoon picnic with her family (211). In addition, a teenager’s feelings of self worth are dependent upon the approval of others. Connie displays this as she practices â€Å"†¦checking other people’s faces to make sure her own was all right† (208). And of course there is also the explosion of hormones and corresponding sexual urges and fantasies. Oates makes all of these characteristics clear in her descriptions of Connie’s actions, thoughts and feelings. Rubin attempts to convey the idea that Connie falls asleep in the sun and has a daydream in which her â€Å"†¦intense desire for total sexual experience runs headlong into her innate fear†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (58); and aspects of the story do seem dream like - for instance the way in which the boys in Connie’s daydreams â€Å"†¦dissolved into a single face†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (210), but the supposition that the entire episode is a dream does not ring true. There are many instances in which Connie perceives the frightening truth quite clearly; she is able to identify the many separate elements of Friend’s persona - â€Å"†¦ that slippery friendly smile of his†¦ [and] the singsong way he talked†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (214). But because of the lack of attachment with her own family, and her limited experience in relating deeply to others, â€Å"†¦all of these things did not come together† (214) and Connie is unable to recognize the real danger that Arnold Frie nd poses until it is too late.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Woman of the Year: Queen Elizabeth the Second :: essays research papers

Woman of the Year: 1953-Queen Elizabeth II   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  From the day she was born, the life of Queen Elizabeth II shows that she deserved to receive the title â€Å"Woman of the Year.† She had practical intelligence since she was a kid and she respected peoples opinions.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Queen Elizabeth II was born on April 21, 1926 at the London home of her mother's parents, Lord and Lady Strathmore. She was baptized at Buckingham Palace and named Elizabeth Alexandra Mary five weeks later. Elizabeth's father was Albert, the Duke of York. He was the second son of King George V. When his dad died in 1936, his brother was supposed to become king but he resigned. So he became king. Her mother was Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon. She was a member of the Scottish aristocracy. Her sister Margaret Rose was born on August 21, 1930, when she was 4 years old in Glamis Castle. Her grandparents were George V and Queen Mary, and Lord and Lady Strathmore.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Elizabeth and her sister were homed schooled. She was taught by Miss Marion Crawford, a young Scottish woman. At the age of 5, she usually woke up at 6 a.m. and went out for riding lessons. After that, they had lunch, lessons in French, voice and piano. In the afternoon she would play in the garden, usually with her sister and Miss Crawford. She became heiress to the throne at the age of ten. She had to learn court etiquette and diplomatic practice from her grandmother, Queen Mary. She studied the geography and history of the Commonwealth countries and the U.S. Elizabeth went to Eton College for private lessons in law. She was training for future duties. Being a princess was not easy. She had to prepare for a hard life, never make mistakes, never look bored and never be sick if possible.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Elizabeth grew up at the families London home, a large Victorian House on 145 Picadilly and at the Royal Lodge in Windsor Great Park. When her dad became King they moved to Buckingham Palace. It was more like a museum than a house. Elizabeth spent their holidays with their grandparents on both sides. When she spent it with the Strathmore it would sometimes be at the Glamis Castle. It was a rugged, rambling old Scottish fortress. â€Å"It looked like something out of a child's adventure stories-paradise of echoing rooms, long passage and mysterious stairways.† (Trease 1953, 231) Elizabeth enjoyed exploring the castle when she was young. She was 13 when World War II occurred. A year later bombs started falling on London. Elizabeth and her sister had to go to safety

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Globalization and Anthropology :: Outsourcing, Offshoring, Free Trade

1. We live in a world where nothing is sacred if selling it can make a buck. Be it â€Å"tourist† indigenous memorabilia or your own â€Å"extra† kidney, you can bet there’s a viable market, and someone’s willing to buy. Given the fantastic stealth of international transactions, globalized markets evoke particularly ominous possibilities for the marginalized in our capitalistic economy. Exposing obscure global issues from â€Å"tourist† art to bio-piracy, Schneider and Scheper-Hughes complicate our understanding of globalization by questioning one’s responsibility to the agency of others in an increasingly interrelated world. According to Schneider, defining â€Å"authenticity† is a battle between indigenous peoples and the tourists who purchase their arts and crafts. As â€Å"tourist† art grows with the realization of international tourism as means of development and economic growth in marginalized communities, foreign assumptions affect the perception of indigenous arts and crafts as â€Å"legitimately† indigenous. Indigenous peoples readily â€Å"transform† functional items into feasible commodities; â€Å"goods such as â€Å"indigenous blouses and shawls† easily become â€Å"alien place mates and pillow cases,† enabling indigenous peoples to survive (Schneider 80). Schneider asks, does this practice rob peoples of their culture, or simply generate a new kind of survival market culture? In seeking â€Å"to recognize and question Eurocentric imaginings of the world,† the discipline of anthropology complicates the right of tourists to judge the commodities of indigenous communities, as it questions the right of a global economy that forces peoples to produce such commodities to survive (Schneider 83). In her more gruesome study of organ theft in impoverished communities, Scheper-Hughes similarly demands that consumers understand the implications of â€Å"neo-cannibalism† on an international scale. Rejecting the idea of impoverished peoples as â€Å"uneducated and gullible informants,† Scheper-Hughes questions the meaning of doctors, organ brokers and prestigious anthropologists denying people voice about body-snatching (35, 39). Her research proves that â€Å"eviscerated bodies† do appear in allies and morgues, and verifies the accounts of poor peoples denied as mere â€Å"inventions† by authorities (36, 38).

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Ownership Essay

I own the idea that I eve this other human. For instance, love my family and they love me. There isn't a mastermind programming us to love each Other, we own the idea that this is our family and we love us. When I was a little boy, would steal from our candy jar and one day I got this yucky feeling in my belly that I was doing something naughty. So went to my dad and after he explained what was doing was wrong and then it clicked that my actions were wrong so apologized. What I did was realizing that my actions were wrong and so I owned up to them. We own our actions whether we want to or not.Actions take a split-second for us to decide to act on what we saw and if so, positively or negatively. No one else telling me what to do, it's just me and my thoughts. So what are thoughts? The literal definition of thought is â€Å"An idea or opinion produced by thinking or occurring suddenly in the mind. † The literal people would say that the brain is the most powerful thing in the wo rld. But what makes the brain so special is not that it controls our body, but that it controls our thoughts. Whenever we listen to a good song the brain tells the body that it likes it so we get that little tune tuck in our head.Whenever get test back that I didn't do well on, I get that sinking feeling and I get sad. Then the next time a test is coming up, I study and try to get a better grade. My thoughts reminded me of how bad it felt to get a bad grade and to do better next time. Both scenarios are my own thoughts; it's just me doing what my brain tells me is right and putting my actions to it. Love, our actions, and our thoughts are all examples of things that, even if we don't want to, own. These are all intangible things that we cannot see nor can we keep.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Current Ethical Issues in Managerial Accounting Essay

No company can nowadays afford to function alone. Partnerships are increasingly getting important and the effective exchange of information can determine profit or loss. An important method to cope with the increasing complexity is called supply chain management (SCM). It is enterprise-wide planning, management and control of all logistics tasks in the value chain. I decided to choose this topic because I had the chance to work with the system in practice in the Automotive Lighting plant in Jihlava. I want to explain the origins of this technology and take a closer look at its major features. I will also try to show how this system increases business value and where its limitations are. Last but not least I show some example of practical use in small and medium companies and I will try to determine the latest trends in the industry of this technology. My chosen company is SAP which produces software in the fields of ERP, CRM and SCM. The term supply chain management was named by Keith Oliver in 1992, economists called this the creation era. In the so-called integration era, SCM got developed along with Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems with the internet-based collaborative systems. SCM is starting to get widely used in the globalization era in the late 1980s. In the 1990s companies began to outsource manufacturing and distribution. This new step created need for manufacturing and distribution networks with many supply chains. (Haag, Cummings, McCubbrey, Pinsonneault, Donovan 2006) One of the major features of the SCM Software from SAP is that it can quickly help a company to adapt in changes in supply and demand. There are newly developed tools to measure and report data and to provide a framework for good decision making in managerial accounting. One of the tools I find very attractive is the Manufacturing and Supply Planning. This feature can forecast demand and accelerate production planning and the scheduling process. What company stakeholders typically provide input? What is the role of the financial staff? The Braskem Company, with headquarters in Sao Paulo, Brazil is producing Chemicals, with 6750 employees and $27. 7 billion revenue. The SAP software for SCM managed to optimize the supply chain processes and also increased sales forecast accuracy. The result was a 90% reduction of inefficiency-related logistics costs and $3 million value enerated in the first year after implementation of the software. (SAP, 2013) Because there are many factors in a supply chain a problem in one of them could negatively influence the whole chain. If there is an unexpected event, it can have negative effects on the company. A new trend suddenly appearing in the demand can delay production and produce extra costs. One solution is to get information from more sources and paste them to the software. (Kallrath, Maindl 2006) There is software for smaller business called sap business one. This software is scaled to Enterprise Resources planning, analytics and databases for small businesses. SAP Enterprise on the other hand, provides all the complex and flexible solutions for large companies. sap business one comes with significantly lowers costs to introduce and to educate staff in a company. The total cost of ownership is significantly lower than the corresponding implementation of SAP Enterprise. (SAP, 2013) The company danisco, from Denmark and the industry of consumer products improved their supply chain efficiency across the organization. They managed to increase forecast accuracy with the SAP CRM software. On a 6-month timescale, the implementation of the software across 69 sites in 21 countries increased supply chain efficiency resulting in cost optimization and enhancing customer service. (SAP, 2013) The global brand Ferrero Group from Italia also used SAP software to enhance and reduce the cost of planning improvements. The company managed to shorten the job chains for demand and supply network planning. The benefits of these solutions are clearly stated. The need of purchasing additional hardware was eliminated, while the system performance was improved by 200%. SAP, 2013) Mibelle AG Cosmetics is a medium-sized company from Switzerland which produces consumer cosmetics. The greatest benefit was the improvement of planning and warehouse transparence and precision while new partners from Switzerland and abroad emerged. The SAP software was chosen because of the easy implementation to the existing ERP application. (SAP, 2013) The future of the global companies is depending on a well processed SCM. Companies like SAP provide outstanding software and research in this field. As I know from my experience from Automotive Lighting s. . o. in Jihlava, a plant producing the head-lights for the Volkswagen Group TM and Japanese car producers, well implemented SCM management is the key factor in the success of such a company. The industry is constantly developing and new technologies are emerging but software products like that from SAP is being produced and updated constantly. Although crisis is decreasing our business opportunities, in my opinion the constant research and development in the field of SCM is a key factor for success in our time coined by the term of hyper-competition.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Improving English Teaching Essay

An importance of English language cannot be denied by anyone as English language is considered as an international language. It also affects people worldwide in many aspects such as education, trading, medicine and technology. According to, Thailand does not use English as an official language, so most of Thai people have to study English from their school since they were young. Even though, we have been studying English for a long time, the skill of English is not satisfied as much as it is. As we have known that Thailand is going to be a part of Asean Economic Community (AEC), the procedure of Thai education in teaching English should be changed to be more efficiently for Thai students. In addition, to be successful in English language including writing, reading, listening and speaking for Thai people depends on the way of teaching English in Thai education system. Improving English teachers in Thailand is an important way to improve English skill. The English teachers have to be good in teaching not only having a bachelor degree but cannot impart any useful knowledge to their students. Moreover, the primary school is the most important period for the students. If the teachers are not good enough in teaching English which can affect to their quality of teaching, the Thai education will fail as a whole. Besides, the teachers have to motivate the students to have a positive attitude towards English language too. The reason why the students and also the general population do not want to speak or even use English language are because they are scared of using English language and they are afraid that they will make a mistake and the native English speaker will ridicule at them, in this case the teacher is the key to change the students’ attitude. Furthermore, Thai education system should alter the system of teaching and style of studying. Since we were young, we have been taught only about grammar and vocabulary but the weakest point of Thai students is that they are not confident to ask any questions or share their ideas not just sitting and listening their teachers without any critical thinking because of the old-fashioned system in Thailand. Most of elderly are concentrated on the principle as well but they do not concern that the students can apply the knowledge in their daily routine or not. If the teachers can change their teaching, the quality of studying English in Thailand will increase definitely. Another point of improving teaching English is that most of Thai schools at the present like to employ a foreign teacher, but the most important part is that the teacher should have a qualified language teacher or at least a bachelor degree and a teaching license not only being a native English speaker. Additionally, Thai school should employ more English native speaker because many Thai teachers does not speak English well enough and also have limited English knowledge to teach the students. The foreign teachers can be a good motivation for Thai students as when we study with the foreign teachers, we have to be an active student to share our ideas or experiences to the teachers which is quite different from Thai teachers. To conclude, this is very clearly that English language is playing a major role in the process of globalization. Therefore, to improve the teaching English in Thai education system, both the English teachers and Thai students should cooperate with each other. If Thai people can have the ability and quality of using English language, the other countries will not look down at Thai people certainly.

Banking Essay

For the term â€Å"the business of banking†, the statute definition is inadequately, even some statute laws can help with the understanding about â€Å"the business of banking† but the definitions they are provided still not adequate (Waldeck & Giardina). Moreover, it become more difficult for defining â€Å"the business of baking† today as the fact that over the years and bank services are more diversified (Waldeck & Giardina). The case law Australian Independent Distributors Ltd v Winter (1965) 122 CLR 443 the Adelaide Cooperative Society accepted the money deposits from their members and recorded it on the passbook (Tyree 2008). The court held that the society had not carrying on the â€Å"business of banking† due to the society lacked of the power to lend money – the one of the ‘essential characteristic’ (Tyree 2008). However, there was a later reinforced in the judgement for the case Commercial Banking Co of Sydney Ltd v RH Brown & Co[1] and the ‘High Court held that the main business of bank should be that of the lending of money (Waldeck & Giardina). The s 5(1) of the Banking Act 1959 (Cth) shows the precise definition of â€Å"the business of banking† and the part (b)(i) said ‘a business that is carried on by a corporation to which paragraph 51(xx) of the Constitution applies and that consists, to any extent, of both taking money on deposit (otherwise than s part-payment for identified goods or services) and making advance of money’ which the definition was adapted straightforwardly by the High Court in Commissioners of the State Savings Bank of Victoria v Permewan Wright & Co Ltd (1914) 19 CLR 457 (Tyree 2008). However, the Victorian Court for the case R v Jost [2002] VSCA 198] held the Act merely restated the previous definition that developed by the courts (Tyree 2008). Furthermore, whether the characteristics are considered as essential or as usual, there are some doubts for the institution authorised to carry on the business of banking under the Banking Act would be considered a bank for all purposes (Tyree 2008). In Commercial Banking Co v Hartigan (1952) 86 ILT 109, the organisation was held to be a bank even they failed the Kirkwood test due to they compliance with the Irish Central Bank Act 1942 and was licensed under the Act. However, in PP Consultants Pty Ltd v Fiance Sector Union [2000] HCA 59, the High Court found that the pharmacist acting as an ‘agency’ bank and not carrying on the business of banking and held that carry on the business of a banking agent (Tyree 2008). In conclusion, statute definition, Banking Act definition and some case law are interpreting the term â€Å"the business of banking† but no one could be identified adequately. Due to the fact that over years, the definition keeps improving and become more diversified which is the reason that difficult to identified and no definition could give the adequate definition. The MacMillan and Greenwood duties are imposed on customers. Briefly explain these duties and what if any other duties have been sought to be imposed on customers. In general, the MacMillan and Greenwood are two fundamental contractual obligations owed by customer and their name is comes from the name of the relevant case (Tyree 2008). The original case of MacMillan is London Joint Stock Bank Ltd v MacMillan and Arthur [1918] AC 777. In this case, the House of Lords had to decide whether the customer owed a duty of care to the bank in the drawing of cheques. In this case, the company sued the bank breach of contract because the mistake made by careless confidential clerk of the firm. The bank paid only 120 pounds whereas the 2 pounds original payment and the firm won the case at the end. However, House of Lords took the chance to clarify the contract between firm and bank, the bank held that the customer owed the bank a duty to exercise care in the drawing of cheques and that the alteration of the cheque was, in this situation, the result is customer has breach of that duties (Tyree 2008). The Greenwood duty which from the case Greenwood v Martin Bank Ltd [1933] AC 51 mention that the plaintiff’s wife had forged a series of cheques on his account. When he found the forgeries, he threaten notify the bank immediately. However, his wife explained she just uses those money to help her sister in legal action and in second time, he discovered that his wife still forged cheque from his account and he threatens to notify the bank. Then, his wife committed to suicide. He brought the action to prevent the bank from maintaining the debit to the account for the amount of the forged cheques, the court held that had been breach of duty by he failing to notify the bank about the forged event immediately. In conclusion, this case is notify bank of any forgeries on the account known to the customer (no require to seek out), there are also two extensions for any unauthorized transactions and withdrawals (Tyree 2008). Furthermore, some further duties have been sought to be imposed on customer in order to protecting the bank’s interests. The additional duties could be classified into three categories and those duties have been the subject of recent case law (Tyree 2008). â€Å"The passbook has been replaced by the bank statement which is sent at intervals to the customer and the current practice seems to favour the customer even more since there is no way for knowing whether the customer has even received the statement (Tyree 2008). † Kepitigalla was approved by the New Zealand Court of Appeal in National Bank of New Zealand Ltd v Walpole and Patterson Ltd [1975] 2 NZLR 7 and the Privy Council in Tai Hing Cotton Mill Ltd v Liu Chong Hing Bank Ltd [1986] AC 80 (Tyree 2008).

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

A Brief History Of Petroleum Commerce Essay

Petroleum is a fossil fuel because it was formed from the remains of bantam sea workss and animate beings that died 1000000s of old ages ago. When the workss and animate beings died, they sank to the underside of the oceans. They were buried 1000s of pess below the sand and silt. As clip elapsed and as the beds increased, this organic mixture was subjected to tremendous force per unit area and heat. The mixture changed, interrupting down into compounds made of H and C atoms called hydrocarbons. Finally, an oil-saturated rock-much like a wet family sponge was formed. All organic stuff does non turn into oil. Certain geological conditions must be met within the oil-rich stones. There must be a trap of non-porous stone that prevents the oil from oozing out, and a seal that keeps the oil from lifting to the surface. Under these conditions, merely two per centum of the organic stuff is transformed into oil. ( Parra, 2004 ) Shell Nigeria History Shell Petroleum is one of universe ‘s prima manufacturers of oil, gas and petrochemicals ; Shell Oil Company has distinguished itself through its committedness to industry invention. Its selling expertness has enabled the company to counterbalance for its comparatively low volume of rough oil production, as compared to its strongest rivals, by selling an tantamount sum of gasolene nationwide. Oil and gas operations began in Nigeria efficaciously in 1956, with the first commercial discovery in that twelvemonth by the so Shell D’Arcy. By the 1960s turning environmental concerns led Shell to put to a great extent in systems intended to cut down pollution and to conserve energy in its workss. In the undermentioned decennary, the company began printing a series of consumer-oriented brochures on such subjects as auto care and energy preservation. Shell continued to rule the Nigerian oil industry for long until Nigeria joined the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries ( OPEC ) in 1971, after which the state began to take a firmer control of its oil and gas resources, in line with the pattern and regulations of the other members of OPEC. Within this period, many Multinational Oil Companies like Gulf Oil and Texaco ( now ChevronTexaco ) , Elf Petroleum ( now Total ) , Mobil ( now ExxonMobil ) , and Agip, in add-on to Shell, which was already playing a dominant function in the industry emerged. To day of the month, the above companies constitute the participants in Nigeria ‘s oil industry, with Shell the major participant accounting for a merely small less than 50 % of Nigeria ‘s entire day-to-day production, which presently stands at about 2.4 million barrels of oil per twenty-four hours, ( Socyberty, 2010 ) . The company has delved into assorted concerns and these can be classified into three organisations viz. upstream organisation, the downstream organisation and the undertakings and engineering Organization, Upstream Organization The Upstream organisation explores for and infusions crude oil and natural gas, frequently in joint ventures with international and national oil companies. The organisation besides liquefies natural gas by chilling and selling it to clients. It besides converts natural gas to liquids to supply cleaner firing fuels. It is besides responsible for selling and trading natural gas and power. It besides develops air current power as a agency to bring forth electricity. Downstream The organisation bend rough oil into a scope of refined merchandises, which are moved and marketed around the assorted provinces in Nigeria for domestic, industrial and conveyance usage. These include fuels, lubricators and bitumen. The fabrication concern includes Refining, Supply and Distribution. Marketing includes the Retail, Business to Business, Lubricants and Alternative Energies and Carbon dioxide. The Chemicals concern has dedicated Manufacturing and Marketing units of its ain. It trades rough oil, oil merchandises and petrochemicals chiefly to optimise feedstock for the Manufacturing concern and to provide the Selling concern. The Carbon dioxide organisation is responsible for organizing and driving Carbon dioxide direction activities across the company. Undertakings A ; Technology The organisation provides proficient services and engineering capableness in upstream and downstream activities. It manages the bringing of major undertakings and helps to better public presentation across the company. It delivers differentiated proficient information engineering for Shell and drive research and invention to make tomorrow ‘s engineering solutions. Undertakings and Technology besides houses Safety A ; Environment and Contracting A ; Procurement as these are built-in to all Shell Petroleum ‘s activities. External and Internal Environment of Shell Nigeria All organisations should hold the input from their external environment that in bend exchanges the merchandise and services they produce in order to supply the energy for continued being. â€Å" An organisation needs to be able to pull off its environment to last in the current concern environment by being invariably cognizant of development from its environment † ( Tiernan et al 2006 ) . All factors that are within other maps of their ain house are referred to as the internal environment. ( Shell 2010 ) External Environment Challenges confronting many companies today originate outside them. A survey of the external environment can descry major chances and menaces. Successful companies follow wide environmental tendencies and intermittently assess alterations taking topographic points in their industry. A company can non in general control its wide environment. ( Dess and Miller, 1993:45 ) Plague Analysis An organisation environmental analysis should be uninterrupted and feed all facets of be aftering before get downing the selling procedure. PEST analysis is a manner of analysing an organisation ‘s external environment. PEST means Political, Economical, Social, and Technology. These factors are beyond the control and influence of a concern but it is of import to be cognizant of it when making merchandise development, scheme or concern planning, ( Rapidbi 2008 ) . Beginning: hypertext transfer protocol: // PEST ANALYSIS ON SHELL NIGERIA Political factors Wars and Conflicts Government Policies Militancy/Terrorism Government Leadership Government Structures. Political Tendencies Economic factor Home Economy Trends General Taxation Issues. Market and Trade Cycles International Trade and Monetary Issues. Job Growth/Unemployment Interest and Exchange Rate Internal Finance and Cash Flow Social factor Consumer Buying Patterns. Ethnic/Religious Factors. Ad and Promotion Health/Living Standards Brand company and Technology Image Consumer ‘s attitude and sentiments Media positions Technological factor Research Support Adulthood of Technology Information and Communications Intellectual Property Issues Internet Transportation system Software Changes Political Factors The political sphere can increase or diminish a company ‘s independency and do the environment unfriendly or supportive of its activities ( Dess and Miller, 1993:48 ) . It has a immense influence upon the ordinance of concerns, and the disbursement power of consumers. This relates to how authorities policies affect Shell Nigeria Petroleum ‘s operation. Political factors such as Government policies, Political tendencies, and Government constructions, combativeness or terrorist act have high impact on Shell Petroleum. Rapid alterations in Government policies have affected Shell Nigeria Petroleum. When a authorities comes to power, he condemns the planning work done by the cherished authorities and brings in new policies that may or may non prefer Shell Petroleum. Due to political instability, decelerate development occurs. Combativeness or terrorist act has affected Shell Petroleum in Nigeria earnestly. The activists in the Niger Delta where the chief oil is situated besides affect the production of oil by Shell crude oil extremely. They are non supportive of the activities perpetrated by Shell. They are of the sentiment that Shell Nigeria do non merit to be at that place as there are no important development in their countries despite big sums of oil been gotten from the Niger Delta communities. As a consequence of these, the activists prehend oil Wellss, nobble exiles for big sums of money known ransom in return. They besides blow up oil Wellss and even kill these exiles. The activists want a per centum of what is gotten from the sale of oil from their community and as this has non been given to them or has been mismanaged by the top functionaries in the authorities, the activists travel a long manner to impact the day-to-day production of Shell Petroleum in Nigeria. Economic Factors The Economic factors of a province besides have a high impact in the behavior of a company. The stableness of the economic system of a state determines how the consumers would be able to devour energy merchandises. The overall province of the economic system influences the public presentations and schemes of a company. Nigeria ‘s economic system has undertaken several reforms over the past decennary after old ages of political instability due to over-dependence on the oil sector. Since 2008 the authorities has begun demoing the political will to implement the market-oriented reforms urged by the IMF, such as to overhaul the banking system, to control rising prices by barricading inordinate pay demands, and to decide regional differences over the distribution of net incomes from the oil industry. In 2007-2009, GDP rose strongly thereby doing it one of the turning economic systems in Africa. As at 2009, Nigeria ‘s GDP stood at $ 339 billion and the GDP official exchange rate stood at $ 173.4 billion ( 2009 estimation ) and the GDP existent growing rate is 6.1 % ( 2009 estimation ) . ( Beginning: CIA World Fact, 2010 ) As a consequence of this analysis, the economic system state of affairs of Nigeria has a high impact of Shell Petroleum Nigeria as it affects it positively. Unemployment rate In Nigeria bases at 4.9 % as at 2007 while the rising prices rate bases at 12.4 % as at 2009, ( Beginning: CIA World fact ) . This analysis has a somewhat negative consequence as the buying power of the clients would be reduced. Components of Nigerian GDP in 2008 Beginning: Social Factors Peoples ‘s picks which include the beliefs, values and attitudes of society are affected by Social factors. Changes in the societal factor of a state can impact buying behaviour. Shell is cognizant of this societal facet and this can be shown due to the big figure of client purchasing Shell Petroleum related merchandises. Oil spillage in the Niger Delta part of Nigeria is one of the wellness jeopardies caused by Shell Petroleum in Nigeria as they spill oil in the rivers doing it impossible for people in this part to angle, which is one of their major businesss. Gas flaring is besides one of the environmental jeopardies caused by Shell Petroleum but it already has programs to halt it by the terminal of 2011.The universe population is increasing and societal values are besides altering so the demand of fuel ingestion is besides increasing. Technology Factor Progresss in engineering have had a major impact on Shell Petroleum ‘s success. Technological alteration impacts socio cultural attitudes. Due to the promotion in engineering, Shell Nigeria Petroleum have a subdivision of their organisation that carries out engineering related undertakings dedicatedly merely to run into up with the current promotion in engineering in the energy sector and break the life of its clients. The Shell Petroleum Project and Technology subdivision deliver differentiated proficient information engineering for Shell Petroleum and drive research and invention to make tomorrow ‘s engineering solutions. ( Shell 2010 ) Porter ‘s Five Forces Porter 1980 stated that the competition province of an industry depends on five basic competitory forces. The combined strength of these forces establishes the concluding net income possible in the industry, where net income potency is precised in term of long tally return on invested capital. Assorted industries differ in their ultimate net income potency as the corporate strength of the forces differs. The forces include: Dickering power of purchasers Shell crude oil has assorted trade names of merchandises from which a client can take from. It ranges from the lubricators to the natural gas. The power of the purchaser is high because of these assorted scope so g merchandises that abound in Shell crude oil. Dickering power of providers Assorted providers of crude oil merchandises besides increase the strength of Shell crude oil because they largely rely on Shell crude oil for the supply of crude oil merchandises. The dickering power of providers is high. Competitive competition The crude oil sector is a competitory sector. Competition is high and ferocious as there are many companies like Exxon Mobil, Total, and Agip. Shell crude oil has remained in front of these companies because it has a strong trade name name and it wields adequate power and has strong influence in the oil sector due to its assorted quality trade name merchandises. Menaces of New Entrants It would be highly hard for new entrants to come in the crude oil market because Shell has created and established a strong image and trade name name. The menaces of new entrants are low because new entrants would confront assorted barriers like: They would necessitate more clip in doing its trade name known and etching it in the heads of bing clients of Shell crude oil who already like Shell Petroleum ‘s merchandise. They would necessitate more clip and to interrupt the monopoly of Shell Menaces of Substitutes Shell crude oil offer quality merchandises to the Nigerian market. Quality merchandises like the Shell Rimula and Mysella are merchandises that would be hard to replace because the merchandises have undergone much research before it was introduced to the market. Before a merchandise is released into the market, it is good developed by the assorted sections in its assorted sectors in the company hence the menaces of replacements is low. Internal Environment To work chances and minimise menaces in the external environment, directors must analyse a house ‘s internal strengths and failings. The most effectual schemes are based on a thorough apprehension of an organisation ‘s internal environment, ( Dess and Miller, 2003:74 ) . SWOT Analysis This is a tool that is used to analyse a company and its environment. SWOT analysis aid companies who aim for success channel its eyes on cardinal issues as it ‘s the first phase of planning. SWOT analysis is divided into two viz. the Internal and the External factor. The Internal factor consists of Strengths and Weaknesses while the External factor consists of Opportunities and Menaces from its rivals. Beginning: World Wide Web. SWOT ANALYSIS OF SHELL NIGERIA Strengths Longevity in the market More research Strong public presentation in the market Strong trade name image Product/Service Differentiation Affecting the populace positively Failings Gas flaring still in topographic point Oil spillage force still affects it much focal point on oil Opportunities Discovery of new oil Wellss Penetration into Danger zone Embarking on new merchandises Rapid response to environmental unfavorable judgments Menaces Loss in net income as a consequence of fuel monetary value struggle and force competition from challengers High involvement rate Global recession Strength Shell has been one of the major leaders in the oil and gas industry and has adequate strength to execute in the oil and gas sector. It has its presence in over 72 states ( Shell 2010 ) . As a consequence it has a strong trade name image in Nigeria. It controls most of the oil Wellss in Nigeria. Shell besides embarks on new undertakings as they have a dedicated subdivision of their services entirely committed to transporting out new undertakings to see how to break the lives of Nigerians and the universe as a whole. In Nigeria, Shell besides organizes competitions like mathematics competitions and essays for pupils in secondary schools. Shell Nigeria besides awards scholarships to undergraduates in Nigerian universities from the Niger Delta part as a manner of helping their surveies. They besides aid station alumnus pupils from the Niger Delta to analyze either in Nigerian universities or abroad. As one of the major leaders in the oil and gas sector, Shell Nigeria besides has a scope of first-class merchandises that are supplied to different industries. They include Lubricants and Natural gas. Shell has assorted scopes of lubricators and motor oil which include: Shell Rimula Shell Mysella Shell Tellus Shell Turbo Shell besides supply natural gas through grapevines to large houses that are situated in Lagos province, Ogun province, Abia province and they have a strong trade name image. Failing Shell Nigeria still embarks on flaring of gas during extraction. They flare gas to take unwanted bi-products. This procedure degrades the environment as it causes airborne diseases to the communities and besides affects the ozone bed. Many of the people populating in the Niger delta where Shell operates are fishermen and husbandmans by business but most of their lands and beginning of support has been affected by Shell as a consequence of oil spillage. This affects the fishermen and the husbandmans as the fishes in the river dies and their farming area are destroyed. Major focal point on the oil and gas sector entirely in Nigeria has made Shell non to seek for and put to a great extent into other sectors of the Nigerian economic system like agribusiness. Heavy dependance on the oil returns allows it to be exposed to rigorous market conditions and as new companies are besides emerging in the oil and gas sector, it puts it at a competitory disadvantage to its challengers who explore the other sectors of the Nigerian economic system and non the oil and gas sector entirely. Opportunities Opportunities abound for Shell Petroleum in Nigeria. Oil Wellss are still being found in assorted topographic points in Nigeria and as Shell is a major participant in the oil and gas sector, it has taken over these Wellss. Shell has besides been able to boom in the Niger delta country in Nigeria, a topographic point where many oil companies are endorsing out from. Inspite of the menaces and force coming from the activists, they have been able to win the bosom of some of the activists. The power industry has improved in Nigeria and as a consequence of this, Shell besides has been able to ship on new merchandises and present them to the Nigerian market. This includes merchandises like the Shell Turbo. Menaces As a consequence of the issues confronting Shell in the Niger delta part of Nigeria, Shell has been affected as some oil sites were collected from them harmonizing to a tribunal opinion in Nigeria and handed to local proprietors. Shell operates in the big oil and gas sector, and as the oil and gas sector is quickly increasing, there is intense competition from other oil and gas companies in Nigeria. These companies include Agip oil, ExxonMobil, Total. Assorted struggles in the Niger Delta besides affect Shell Petroleum in Nigeria. Assorted hawkish groups kidnap exiles and oil Wellss and inquire for immense ransom. As a consequence of this, the company is affected greatly as they cough out immense money to procure their oil Wellss and protect their employees. MOST Analysis Like SWOT analysis, MOST analysis is besides a tool used to internally analyse the environment of a company. It defines the company through its Mission statement, its Aims, its Strategy and the Tactics it plans to utilize in run intoing these aims. Mission Shell Nigeria ‘s mission statement is toA enhance profitableness through advanced direction schemes while guaranting cost effectivity and tackling originative thoughts. This mission statement is the ground for the being of Shell. It strives to tackle originative thoughts by making more advanced and effectual ways of transforming energy to energy tantrum for human usage. Aims Shell Nigeria has stated aims that are intended for its operation. These aims are indispensable points that it intends to run into so as to maintain up with its mission. The aims are to prosecute in oil and its merchandise expeditiously and to beginning for energy to run into client ‘s demands and the universe ‘s turning demand for energy. By run intoing these aims, the company intends to hold an border over its rivals. Scheme Shell Nigeria has in topographic point assorted schemes to do the company accomplish its mission and set aims. These schemes include calling development, authorization, and unfastened door policy. The undertaking and engineering sector in the organisation applies the needful factors in accomplishing these schemes. These schemes are long term schemes that have been set to profit non merely the terminal clients but besides the economic province of the organisation in return. It besides has schemes in topographic point for bettering its bing merchandises and besides bring forthing new 1s. Tacticss Shell Nigeria has used assorted tactics to implement its mission, aims and strategic mission. These tactics have helped the company have an border over its rivals thereby doing clients to go on to sponsor them. These tactics include: Free auto service in every Shell crude oil filling station Good shed for loosen uping Assorted promos intended to do the client continue to sponsor them The variables in MOST analyses are indispensible and can be analyzed besides from top to bottom. One can non make without the other. They work manus in manus by driving each other until the organisation is successful. Organizational Structure For an organisation to accomplish its proposed purpose, mission and vision, it needs to hold a sort of construction in topographic point that would enable it transport out these procedures. There have been assorted definitions of what an organisational construction is by different faculty members but John Martin and Martin Fellenz ( 2010 ) defined an organisational construction as â€Å" the formal agreement of undertaking, communicating and authorization relationships that influence and command how people coordinate and conduct their work † ( John Martin and Martin Fellenz 2010: p336 ) . In the early 1990s, Shell operated utilizing the matrix sort of construction. They comprised of four companies which include The Parent Companies, The Group Holding Companies, The Service Company and The Operating Companies. The Committee of Managing Directors ( CMD ) managed the company. The commission of pull offing managers consists of five pull offing managers which includes the president, the frailty president and three other pull offing managers. The president of the Royal Dutch Petroleum and the Managing Director of Shell rotated the chairmanship of the commission of pull offing managers. The commission ‘s occupation was to supply a connexion and linkage between the formal constructions of the group and besides the direction construction of the group. However in 1995, Shell Petroleum restructured the manner it operated. It dismantled the matrix runing construction of the companies and produced four concern organisations to achieve a closer integrating within each sector in every state where Shell Petroleum operates. The construction made each concern efficaciously control and program its operations good. The bureaucratism type of leading that had been in operation was removed paving manner for the construction to hold adequate strength to map out a defined function to the operating companies and concern organisation. Organizational Strategy Strategy is an articulated coveted way of an organisation that can be used by others to understand the organisation ( Linstead et al, 2009:711 ) . For Shell Nigeria, its strong thrust to implement its scheme can be seen by the resulted developments in Nigeria and as a consequence of this thrust and development, they retain their strong Image and name that they have both in Nigeria and the universe as a whole. Shell Nigeria ‘s chief strategic characteristics were: They embarked on a strategic hereafter program. Most of Shell Nigeria ‘s rivals like Agip, Total embarked on a four or five twelvemonth program but Shell Nigeria embarked on a 20 twelvemonth program non because they wanted to hold a prognosis of what is traveling to go on within the 20 twelvemonth period but because they imagined scenarios that would go on and wanted to hold adequate solutions to the scenarios. The solutions they provided would let directors to see assorted ways to strategically react to any scenario that might blossom in the hereafter, ( blast 2010 ) . They besides played a strategic function by holding a strategic hereafter program where they would hold adequate installations to develop organisational acquisition, They besides focused on the approaching generational endowments. They were non excessively focused on fiscal public presentation. Assorted thoughts from different survey section like mathematics, economic sciences, and ecology were non thrown off by the Project section in Shell Nigeria alternatively they delved into it wholeheartedly so that their strong name would still be figure one and their repute would be retained. They operate an unfastened door policy which means that they welcome thoughts and constructive unfavorable judgments from their employees and the general populace. They have a hearing ear by taking into significance the employees needs through assorted treatments with them either through councils or accepted trade brotherhoods. They have assorted work forces from all walks of life which comprises of different accomplishments, civilizations, gender. These assorted work forces bring together and portion thoughts that help Shell Nigeria in its quest to acquire more clients and understand them better. They employ extremely skilled, qualified and experient workers and as a consequence of this, it offers great wage to its employers. Shell crude oil besides reward outstanding employees with assorted fillips like health care allowance, closet allowance, house allowance. Shell crude oil besides gives one-year foliages and its entitlements. They besides engage in maternity/paternity foliages and its entitlement. They besides have a retirement program for the aged and experient 1s who have served the company for many old ages. Assorted employees of Shell Nigeria who wish to foster their callings more than their current province are entirely supported by Shell Nigeria through assorted strategies like scholarship strategies. Shell Nigeria on its ain train its staff through assorted professional preparation and leading programmes. They do this to transfuse and implant leading and managerial values in their employees. Shell Nigeria as a company embarks on assorted beneficent undertakings merely to better the lives of the people in Nigeria. Such empowerment programmes include assorted Scholarship strategies, assorted inter-school competitions, and assorted football tourneies. They besides invest greatly in research and development. Shell is one of the largest investor in research and development and spends much on the geographic expedition and enlargement of engineerings that would take to the coevals of more and pure energy with adept merchandises for its clients. (, 2010 ) Since the construct of scheme is based upon a company accomplishing its ends and aims ( Tony Morden, 2007:184 ) , Shell Nigeria has a dedicated focal point to accomplish it by using the needed factors needed to accomplish these schemes through their dedicated Projects and Technology Section of their organisation that provides efficient services. By making this Shell Nigeria now has a strong presence in the Nigeria oil and gas industry thereby overmastering its major rivals like Agip, Conoil. Organizational Change Change direction means using steps and engineerings to cover with alterations in concern milieus and to gain from altering chances. The characteristics of alteration include accommodating to alter, commanding alteration, and set uping alteration. Change has become an indispensable issue and features of contemporary companies and as a consequence of this, it poses a scope of cardinal challenges for all kind of organisations, whether private, public or voluntary, ( Stephen Linstead et Al, 2009:619 ) . Assorted factors like direction, policies and tendencies of the authoritiess, complex organisational construction of a company, competition and menaces from other companies, causes a company to alter and the people mostly responsible for alteration in an organisation are the directors of that organisation. The Gagliardi Model of alteration The Gagliardi theoretical account of alteration was developed by Pasquale Gagliardi in 1986. The theoretical account describes that â€Å" the primary scheme of an organisation is the care of its cultural individuality in footings of predominating values. A virtuous circle from the corporate experience of success through stabilized values to coherence and efficiency sustains the continuity of civilization. But if the options allowed for by the civilization are unsuited to new jobs, so the virtuous circle becomes a barbarous circle hindering alteration. The consequence may be evident cultural alteration, cultural revolution or cultural incrementalism † , ( Gagliardi 1986 ) . For Shell, alteration started as the consequence of the figure of alterations embarked by the universe crude oil industry in the 20th century but as at that clip Shell did n’t undergo any alteration because they had a stable direction construction, a construction without an bossy main executive officer. Gagliardi ( 1986 ) stated that if the options allowed for by the civilization are unsuited to new jobs, so the virtuous circle becomes a barbarous circle hindering alteration, the consequence could be an evident alteration in civilization, cultural revolution or civilization incrementalism but for Shell crude oil, it maintained its individuality in footings of predominating value that were in topographic point majorly from its rivals because its construction was stable. Shell began dawdling behind in footings of its fiscal statistics and because the fiscal statistics had characteristics of decreased fiscal public presentation and fake organisational construction, and because ot her companies in the oil industry had carried out organisational alteration and began to boom, Shell set up an internal squad in July 1994 that would analyze its internal construction and the squad would in bend come up with programs on how to ship on a alteration that would be effectual and better and recover its strong trade name image. The motivation behind the demand for alteration in the company was the quest to hold a construction that would be easy for the corporate centre to exercise influence over the operating companies that would be effectual and besides the quest to better coordination between the operating companies. The squad embarked on its assignment and after much interview and sourcing of thoughts, the squad came up with assorted options for alteration by October 1994. They handed in a study to the Committee of Directors and spent yearss with the managers descrying out the objects of alteration. It was deliberated upon by the direction and an proclamation was passed to all employees in the company ‘s employ. The direction led by Cor Herkstroter, the president of the commission of managers in 1995 gave a address to Shell employees worldwide. He signified the kernel for alteration, outlined the chief facet of alteration and at the same clip told the employees to be ready for whatever alteration t hat would come. Gagliardi ‘s ( 1986 ) theoretical account makes leaders of organisations know how their companies would be affected culturally when they set up alteration thoughts in their organisations small wonder the commission for alteration was initiated. At the terminal, the organisational alteration affected most employees as many of them lost their occupations. As a consequence of this alteration, Shell now operate a straight-forward direction construction where effectual power and control is exerted by the corporate centre over the assorted operating companies and the coverage relationships would be easier to follow. When the alteration was done, many of its staff was trained to get by and understand the alteration that has been carried out since they were involved in it, this is portion of the company ‘s scheme which is â€Å" Shell operates an open-door policy with its employees † . Gagliardi ‘s ( 1986 ) alteration theoretical account explains the result of apparent, incremental, and radical alteration on cultural positions that exist in organisations. This alteration theoretical account that was implemented was to beef up and broaden the theory and values associated by the alteration enterprise, ( Latta 2009 ) . Organizational Culture Organizational civilization is now an indispensable portion in the apprehension of assorted organisations. A connexion or bond exists between the civilization of an organisation and other constructs such as leading, power, and organisational construction, ( Stephen Linstead et Al, 2009:151 ) . In any alteration happening in any organisation, the effects on the person and group behaviour are the most important. There have been assorted definitions of organisational civilization by different bookmans but harmonizing to ( Schwartz and Davis 1981: 33 ) , â€Å" Culture is a form of beliefs and outlooks shared by the organisation ‘s members. The beliefs and outlooks produce norms that strongly shape the behaviour of single and groups in the organisation † . Change dwells at the bosom of leading. Organizational civilization is one of many situational variables that are really of import in doing the attempts of leaders successful when alteration enterprises are implemented, ( L atta 2009 ) . Shell ‘s civilization covers assorted facets which includes its Vision and Mission statements Valuess and aims Technology, merchandises and services Vision and Mission Statements Vision and Mission statements are stated by most companies so that they would cognize what they want to accomplish and where they want to be in the nearest hereafter. It is a manner of doing a company look really effectual. Shell Nigeria mission statement is â€Å" toA enhance profitableness through advanced direction schemes while guaranting cost effectivity and tackling originative thoughts † while its vision statement is â€Å" to be the market leader and present the best value to our stakeholders. † Shell Nigeria has adequate trueness and dedication to its stakeholders besides holding its clients in head. They search out for more thoughts on how to be open uping in its pursuit for making energy. VALUES AND OBJECTIVES Shell Nigeria ‘s values is â€Å" to put high criterions of public presentation and ethical behaviours while its aims is â€Å" to prosecute expeditiously, responsibly and productively in oil and its merchandises, and other selected concerns and to take part in the hunt for and development of other beginnings of energy to run into germinating client demands and the universe ‘s turning demand for energy † . As oil and gas can non be done without, as it is a major beginning of energy, Shell Nigeria ‘s exclusive value and aim is to beginning for oil and gas in the Niger delta part in ways that it would non impact the environment. Technology, PRODUCT AND SERVICE It has been the civilization of Shell Nigeria and Shell in other locations of the universe to tackle engineering and supply better merchandises and services for its clients. More ways have been found on how to better harness and procedure energy. Shell Nigeria has assorted merchandises and services which include lubricators and natural gas which is used for mundane life. Power and Politicss Power is needed in organisations because it is the major manner organisational ends can be achieved through assorted parts of thoughts. Therefore organisational political relations are activities used to derive and use power in organisations ( Martin and Fellenz, 2010: p518 ) Shell Petroleum had a powerful position after it was formed. The influence they had could non be matched because they had no ferocious rivals as at when it was created. They were even said to be one of the three most good known institutes. Shell Petroleum is alone in its construction and its twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours direction of its assorted groups is complex. The Committee of Managing Directors ( CMD ) had control over the group ; they were the 1s in charge of the personal businesss of the company. The Committee besides had its ain president which rotated between the President of the Royal Dutch Petroleum and the Chairman and Vice Chairman of Shell Transport and Trading. Shell operates a individual grade leading. The overall leading construction is chaired by a non executive president, Jorma Ollila while the executive direction is led by Chief Executive Officer, Peter Voser. These managers, presidents link with other presidents and managers of Shell all over the universe to do certain that Shell lives up to its name. They make certain the image is retained and besides do certain that more ways to beginning for energy are devised and harnessed. Shell began to construct a strong image and name for itself and became one of the largest crude oil companies in 1995. Shell crude oil drama a high degree of political relations and wield adequate power in the oil sector of Nigeria. The political civilization of Shell crude oil in Nigeria is one that has been ever criticized. The company was criticized for the portion it played in the sentencing of an militant, Ken Saro-Wiwa of the Ogoni land and of all time since the incident happened, they have gained more critics than friend both locally in Nigeria and Internationally. The policies of the Nigerian do non look to impact Shell Petroleum because in malice of the clarion call made by dissenters in the Niger delta part of Nigeria of the continued oil spillage caused by their Shell, it has fallen on deaf ears because the company has been seen as a major participant in the oil sector of Nigeria. Shell crude oil still flares gas in Nigeria, a policy the Nigerian authorities has abolished but because of the untouchable nature of Shell, the Nigerian authorities was forced to switch the deadline of gas flaring assorted times. Shell crude oil has been the major cause of civil agitation in the Niger delta due to the political influence they have on the Nigerian authorities. They have seized the lands of the people populating in the Niger delta and alternatively of the company developing the Niger delta part, they spill oil on it. The authorities does nil touchable to halt them because of the influence they have. The federal Government of Nigeria has failed to put tougher countenances for companies prosecuting in oil spillage. The regulations are being dead set whenever Shell crude oil wants to be affected. Hazard ANALYSIS AND MANAGEMENT Organizations do cognize that they may confront hazards at some certain times in their concern life and as a consequence of this they analyze their houses to understand what hazards would endanger their assets. They propose steps to forestall these hazards afterwards. Shell crude oil understands that they may in the future face hazards from altering conditions in economic, competitory, legal, political, finance and concern field which would hold consequence on their public presentation and as a consequence, they have analyzed this hazards and proposed safeguarded solutions to the hazards due to their accomplishment in detecting where their concern is most susceptible. The analyses include: Fluctuation in the monetary value of rough oil and oil merchandises The demand and supply of oil could be affected by assorted factors like natural catastrophes and political instability which would ensue in the fluctuating monetary values of rough oil and its merchandises. These fluctuations could impact the finance conditions of Shell Petroleum and could do long term undertakings in its upstream sector less profitable. This poses a possible hazard to the finance state of affairs of the company and as a consequence Shell Petroleum has moved to increase their oil militias so that in the nearer hereafter, if the hazard happens, they would non be affected. Competition Competition from other major participants in the Nigerian oil sector like Total, Agip are going a major menace to the being of Shell Petroleum. These competition forces are strong because the merchandises of Shell Petroleum are viing in trade good type markets which make other crude oil merchandises known. The ability of Shell Petroleum to achieve its set schemes depends on the company ‘s reaction to these competition forces. Shell Petroleum as a consequence of this has moved to pull off their disbursals through cost-effective budgets. Brand image and Company Reputation Shell Nigeria has mostly dominated the Nigerian oil sector since its creative activity through the acquisition of oil Wellss, larger oil militias, oil lands from the authorities. All these are the major assets of Shell Petroleum which constitutes their trade name image and the repute of their company. An eroding of this repute would hold an inauspicious reaction on the company ‘s operation and the entree to new assets. By placing this hazard, Shell has moved to guarantee rigorous conformity to the codification of behavior and rules of her concern by doing all CEOs of assorted Shell companies all over the universe guarantee that their employees are invariably being reminded of these regulations by subscribing the moralss signifier. Insecurity Assorted sensitive parts in Nigeria, most particularly the Niger Delta could expose the employees to hazards, accidents and even loss of life. Social unrest, natural catastrophes, offense, wellness of the employees, detonation all contribute to hazards that poses menaces to Shell Petroleum which could impact its operations negatively and convey a bad repute to its image. Shell crude oil identified this hazard and made sure that all employees who operate in these parts are made cognizant of the fact of working in these parts, they besides made certain that the employees are Health Safety Security and Environment ( HSSE ) certified. They besides made certain that they are good trained on what to make in the event of any natural and unnatural catastrophe. Reliable Information Technology The universe is turning into a planetary small town and it is the duty of companies to follow the tendency in the alteration in Information Technology. Shell Petroleum is cognizant that in the nearest hereafter, information engineering may neglect to present her services in an efficient mode due to reliance and resettlement of information engineering services. The company has moved to work out this job by puting more in Project and Technology section. More technological undertakings are being carried out in all parts where the company operates. This is to do certain that the company continues to present quality and improved services all the clip as invention and engineering are its major elements. Climate alteration Climate alteration like the emanation of nursery gases, the depletion of the ozone bed are hazards and concerns that could take to the hold of assorted undertakings. Shell Petroleum ‘s aim to be the major manufacturer of energy tantrum for human usage would take a downswing if clime alterations continue to impact it. As a consequence of this hazard, Shell Petroleum has found alternate ways of bring forthing energy from alternate beginnings by increasing the rates of its C dioxide strength and emanation rate. This is to do certain that the company does non worsen in the production of energy.